Arbitrary Emotions
I guess mostly I’m just sad
Like the abused kid in me is crying
But my adult body must stay strong
And this kid wants to be taken care of so bad
I’m screaming for attention in silence
It’s not good nor it’s bad
I can’t defy it
Because it is what I feel
And it’s what my body tells me to do
Well, nothing, basically
As it’s been going on like this for years
It’s hard to see a difference anymore
To what I call sadness and just a regular emotion
There’s never a regulation of what a thing is
Like my emotions are arbitrary
And I start to use universal terms
Because I don’t know what I actually feel
I’ve never learned to feel
And name what it is
Or maybe I feel too much
That I’m just overwhelmed all the time
Like an emotion tips over another block of emotion
And another and another
And in the end it’s a domino effect
And it needs time to build the pieces back again
Just like it needs time for me to breathe
In the lungs that I fill with smoke
I self-sabotage myself without me knowing it
And I wish I knew how to stop being like this
But often I just feel like I’m in the end of the road
And things just creep on me
And I’m scared to even look at a stranger
Or have a stranger looking at me
And I wish I were invisible
And I wish I were somewhere safer
Than in this world
Where every step feels heavy
Because I can’t stop eating
And because I stopped working out
Like I’m already digging my own grave as I live
And I just need some support
From the ones I really love
That I sometimes also hate
But I feel so lonely
And it’s not like I wanna go home
It’s just that I wanna feel less alone
Because as far as a home is concerned
I don’t have one
Except with the love of my life
But it’s a person and not a place
Where I can sit and sleep or cry in
Or maybe I’m just too unthankful?
Or maybe I’m just disregarding everything?
But how can I see the light again?
Because right now I’m only seeing dark
And my head is always facing down
And I feel weird for laughing
Or talking to myself
Happiness feels more strange than it is refreshing
And I notice I have less and less friends
And it hurts me to lose my face in the crowd
Because I’m so much on the background
Or not even existing at all
That people might forget I’m still alive
Am I still alive anyways?
I’m dying to see if I am
Because I believe I still have a fire inside of me
So little but it still shines for me
And I hope soon the darkness will go away
Replaced by the sun along my way
And slowly my smiles creep back in
And happiness doesn’t feel embarrassing
I’m ready for the change.
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