50 Shades of Orange
I feel like I’m so far away
Looking at people’s hair reminds me of the distance
Between me and myself
If there’s even anything like myself in me
Time has punished me to be stronger
And at the same time rewarded me
With the fact that I left my reality
And that I became someone else
In a world where everything is orange
You’re blinded from those that aren’t
And as much as I want to open your eyes
I can‘t; because they’re not mine
And as much as we want to save each other
From hell, from stupidity, from going too far
We can’t; because we don’t feel like
We must be saved
Because we both feel safe in where we are
Like I feel safe with doing my thing
And you with doing yours
We both don’t know that we’re in danger
Because there is no danger
Because there is nobody coming at us
Because we’re doing no harm
Because we mean well
Because I let you live with your reality
Because I respect your choices
Because I still love you, though differently
Because you don’t let me live with my reality
We’re still humans in the end
That need to adapt to survive
And though in your world my good is your bad
Doesn’t mean I’m that person you think I am
I just merely want to live my own life
I never changed inside
But I’m sorry that you saw me
As the image in your fantasy
The orange you see
In the orange life you live
Has blinded you from seeing
Me, as a human being
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