You Never Know You're Amazing
It just always proves itself to be true
The dynamics of everyday life
Like seeing yourself go from the sky
Back to the ground
And back up to the sky again
Rocketing at a high-paced heart rate
Drastically changing
And back to your nature of slowness
And every day you decide to go out
Of your house, of your room, of yourself
Is another chance you’re grabbing
Is another risk you’re taking
Because you’ll never know
What’ll happen to you
What’ll happen to those close to you
What miracle a day has in store for you
Or what doom it probably will present you
But each time you’re taking that risk
Each time you’re putting yourself out there
For risks and surprises to take you
You’re getting slowly braver
You’re getting used to facing fears
Facing bad thoughts
Facing other people
And most importantly,
Facing yourself
The biggest enemy you have
Is within you
Because a threat is only a threat
When you perceive it as one
And when you focus yourself only on black clouds
Then you’ll start to only see the black clouds
Slowly, you won’t see the bright sun above you
Then your world will feel darker
And you think it’ll only always going to rain
But when you focus yourself only on the sun
You’ll soon get blinded
And you won’t see other things clearly anymore
And it’s probably warm, but you’ll still complain
That’s why life is a spectrum
That’s why life is dynamic
That’s why sometimes you’re at zero
That’s why sometimes you’re at a hundred
That’s why sometimes you’re right in the middle
Or a bit more to the right or to the left
But no day is the same as the other one
So is every second of every minute of every hour
Everything changes
Including ourselves
And we’re not a stagnant actor of this life
We evolve too
Slowly or fast
We are all getting somewhere in life
Even when we’re currently not moving
There’s always your blood running inside you
And your thoughts passing by in your head
And voices and noises traveling in your ears
And you’re always working
Even when you’re unemployed
And we are all, employed or unemployed,
We’re working multiple jobs at once unconsciously
If it’s not the job that brings money in
It’s probably a job you’re doing inside of you
Personal development, mental encouragement
Working on yourself is a hard job, too
Sometimes even harder than the job you can see
In that sense, I do believe in things I can’t see
Everyone is struggling sometimes
Sometimes more than other times
And everyone has their ups and their downs
Their zeros and their hundreds
And exactly that is why we’re all alive
And that’s exactly why it’s important
To respect, to care, to help each other
Because you never know the reasons
Of why somebody got out of their room today
Of how somebody managed to finally get out
Of how somebody woke up this morning
Of what happened to somebody last night
Of why somebody cried themselves to sleep
Of why somebody felt depressed
Of why life sometimes feel too hard to handle
And because you will never know
Whether somebody will go out again tomorrow
Whether somebody will even wake up again
Whether somebody will sleep for the last time
Whether somebody even still wants to live longer
Whether somebody is still strong enough to continue
Or whether life has taken the best out of somebody
But every step somebody bravely takes every time
To move forward with time in their lives
Is to be appreciated and not to be taken for granted
Being kind to others and to ourselves is important
And it doesn’t hurt to be and do good to others
Because you never know
Maybe your smile could change someone else’s day
Maybe your kindness helps someone to live
An hour, a day, a month, or a year longer
And believing that life is inevitably dynamic
Who knows, maybe tomorrow is going to be better
Maybe good things will still happen
But in order to find out, you have to stay
A little more, just a little more
A step more, just a step more
A day more, just a day more
Until you’re strong enough to get back on your feet
And making bigger steps feel more possible
But until then, take your rest
Good job for today
Good job for going out today
Good job for making your steps today
You’re amazing
You really are
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