Losing Game
I don’t know what’s really bothering me this time
My heart is somehow sad
Like as if I’m losing somebody
But I don’t see anyone on my horizon
I see myself instead
On the edge of the hill, looking forward
My feet half standing on the air
Ready to throw my body down
And pretend I’m a bird
But I can’t fly, I can only fall
But this time,
Not even clouds will catch me fall
Not even wind will push me to a safer place
There’s only nothingness
Not even air to breathe
Just me and my body weight falling down
And down
And deeper down
Until the trees will hit me as I’m emerging to earth
And those branches will thrust into my body
And the leaves will be covered in my blood
And my soul will be delivered to God
And then I’ll know if He exists
And then I’ll know if He’ll ever forgive
Such a human like me, whose job was to sin
A human put on continuous tests
One after the other
Constantly on battles with itself
Inside and outside
Craving for happiness
That comes for a while and goes again as quick
I’m tired of this world
And the weight that I have to carry
Everyone is moving ahead
And I’m behind them, trying to figure my steps
When everyone’s already running
But going back is not an option
Because home is nowhere to be found for me
Unless a home is a human
Which I might have found already
But that still makes me homeless
Because I’m still scared of losing my home
Like I’m always on the brink of getting it taken away
I am scared of losing what I have now
I am tired of being scared of things I don’t know
I am tired of knowing things I’m scared of
And it goes in an endless circle
Everything puts me in doubt about myself
Am I even made for this?
Am I even good enough?
Do I even deserve this?
Can I even do all this?
Why do I even have to question all these things?
What is not enough in my life?
Or is everything going so well that I need to curse?
Or am I actually just tired?
But I’m not tired, I don’t think I am
I have so much unused energy
What for?
What should all this be?
My feelings are so simple, they complicate so quick
I don’t even notice that I’m overthinking
Because I’m so used to it
I’m so oversensitive
I take everything like it’s an attack against me
I have so many traumas
Every little wrong drives me back to my past
And I’m scared of that dark place
Where things were said and done wrongly
Where I didn’t have the power to be right
Where I didn’t have the voice to say no
Where I didn’t have the willingness to change
But now everything is said and done
And I can’t change everything that was wrong
And that fact disturbs me a lot
Because I want to have peace
But peace doesn’t wanna have me
So I can only have peace with my own mind
Tell myself it’s okay and accept it the way it is
Talk to myself like they’re listening
Do my best
But sometimes I feel like I can’t anymore
I feel like I’ve reached my end point
The hill stops here
There’s only a gorge in front of me
And the hills behind me are falling
The world is shaking
And I’m standing alone on the edge of everything
Trying to calculate my next moves
While carrying my heavy bags
Shall I look at the sky and pray for heaven?
Shall I look to the ground and jump?
Shall I just sit down and smile while earth eats me?
Shall I just stand tall and fall when the hills crumble?
Shall I close my eyes and let universe decide?
Shall I look at my home one last time and say bye?
Shall I cry and scream and let myself get quieted?
Shall I lay down and forget everything around me?
What would you do if you were me?
I can‘t undo things anymore
I can’t also not do anything
I must do something about it
But what should it be?
Did I have enough life already?
Did I have enough battles already?
How did they even make it till 70 and older?
What made them go forward in life, even?
I miss my grandma, I wanna see her
I miss her so much, I just wanna be with her
I wanna be her
Spreading so much love in the world
The world missed her when she left
And still misses her everyday
Like I miss her smiles in my memories
Someone with a lot of heart and a good soul
She left, now the world feels different
Like a warmth had been taken away from me
I want to have that effect on people as well
But I can’t even freaking believe compliments
I can’t even believe anything
I can’t make myself believe
Also the fact that I might be dying currently
Like I feel my body getting weaker and weaker
Things getting broken inside of me
Blood coming from places it isn’t supposed to
So I figured,
The branches thrusting my body won‘t hurt a lot
As I’m already hurting everyday anyways
Though I have so much love to give to the world
Though I have a love that’s so perfect
A love that makes me so happy
A love that makes me feel whole
But if I can’t love myself, what is all this love for?
What’s all this love, if I can’t even feel it?
Only when I’m in her arms I can feel it
The second I’m alone, I’m cold
Eaten by the winter temperature
And gone with the wind
I wanna be in her arms forever
Until my eyes can’t open themselves anymore
Until my arms are too weak to hug her back
Until my body falls and my soul leaves me
But I will forever be watching my angel
Because for once, she showed me what love is
Even when I sometimes can’t feel it myself
She shows me what my blind heart can’t see
And my heart starts to see too
I don’t know if it’s too late now
But every time I see her I only see forever
And when I’m not with her I can’t see forever
Because I don’t want forever without her
Because I can’t have forever without her
And that scares me
Because losing her would mean losing myself too
And I can’t let somebody have that much power
Over me and my life
And I don’t know how to go on with this
But I’m scared of everything around me
I’m scared of being scared of being scared
Because of something that’s so good
It’s so good I’m afraid to lose it
And lose myself too with it
I don’t know what’s really bothering me this time
I’m just afraid of losing
You and me
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