That So-Called Loneliness


You know that moment

When you’re just standing alone

In the dark of the night

With only a little fire on the tip of your cigarette

Where there’s no wind

So the fire burn up slowly

With the gray smoke on your face you push out

Where only the stars are looking down on you

That’s when you feel most lonely

Like when you usually enjoy it with somebody

But they’re not there

That if you imagine you’re falling

Nobody is there to catch you

Until the morning comes

Until the sun is up again

No one is really there to help you

But yourself and your body 

Gaining its own consciousness alone

And nobody will take you anywhere

But your own legs and feet

And nothing to support you

But your arms and hands

Working together to form you back as one

It is, to me, a real definition of loneliness

Where nobody talks

Only those songs in your two ears

And your little nose and mouth

Talking to yourself

I feel cold

I almost passed out

But nobody notices

Only your brain and your flying mind

You rescued yourself out from the worst

That could happen to you

Or to anyone

Or is currently happening to somebody

When they’re alone

Like me


But why do we put a negative connotation 

To loneliness?

Why should going dark mean a bad thing?

It doesn’t always have to, right?

Like it may suck at moments

But you’re not that lonely anyways, aren’t you?

You have yourself, and yourself only, indeed

But that doesn’t mean it’s a torture 


At least not always

We were born to complete

Each other, as humans

But most importantly

To complete yourself, for yourself

Friends are there to cheer you up

To bring some extra joy

Until they’re gone

Until friends mean that they’re basically…

… just another human in this world

That grow closer to you

That might leave you

At some point

For one reason and another

But hey,

As long as you have yourself

You’re never really lonely

Those arms, those hands, those legs and feet

They’re there to support you too

However lovely and lonely that might seem to you

But it’s what you’re given

It’s yourself and your power

Your friends and mates

They’re always there for you

Well, as long as they’re there obviously

Just never take them for granted

And if they’re eventually gone as well

You still have a brain and its mind that you own

And a heart that beats for you

Until it doesn’t anymore

So cherish it

You, yourself, and your so-called loneliness

And if you have nothing else

Don’t worry

You still have somebody like me

That will still think of you and for you

And even if you don’t have somebody like me

The stars are always there

To look down on you

You’re never really alone

Not in this universe

Not when you’re still with you


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