Don‘t Waste Your Time


You don’t have to pretend to like something you don’t

Just like the rainfall and the ticking clock

And the birds and all their flock

You don’t have to pretend to like something you don’t

As the wind blows to the north

Bringing water to the south

And thunders start to rain on both

Ends of the winds from which you sought


For your loss

For your confusions

For your revelations 

Until you’re just too tired

Your soul is no more wired

You’ll be the God of nowhere

Only to feel like you’re somewhere

That’s tragic, really

How you thought life was easy

That you thought you were witty

Only to find out that you’re not, not even, really

So don’t like the things you don’t like

Or you’ll be loving the wrong thing

Or you’ll be living the wrong life

For that spare some time to think

Because it’s your loss in the end

It’s your heart on the edge

Also your head, your body, and

For which you don’t get a badge

Don’t waste your time


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